for our souls
Restore lost joy and a sense of lightness and play through genuine intimacy with God.
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If this is you,
let's get started!
A Kindred Abbey woman is a woman who has . Or maybe, because of life’s hardships, she never had joy in the first place.
She’s a woman who has been to do all the right things. She wants to do good, but no matter how hard she tries, her inward self is unchanged.
All of her striving and religious activity has left her . It’s as if life has beat her down and her pusher-througher has went kaput once and for all.
She knows she can’t DO anymore. She , but she doesn’t know how.
She longs to know Jesus FOR REAL, to quit performing and
She wants to experience real change and deep joy.
Kindred Abbey is a sanctuary where the women of God can retreat from the world anytime or anywhere to find deep healing, rest, and restoration through genuine intimacy with God.
Learn to love God with all your heart, soul, and body with resources like workbooks and courses.
Find true rest in the comfort of your home as you explore a deeper relationship with God through spiritual disciplines.
Jesus modeled perfect community. Share the journey with your Kindreds for encouragement and growth.
Desperate for true rest and seeking to learn what “Be still and know that I am God” really meant, I converted an empty bedroom into a place where I could retreat in solitude to seek God. I called this place my Abbey. This is where God met me, restoring my soul and showing me where to find my joy.
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Here's how:
Creating space to just "be" is the first step to renewal.
Rest as you seek God's heart; allow Him to minister to you.
This is just one of many moments on your journey to find your joy.
Hope you're ready for some serious JOY...
Watch on Youtube
Hope you're ready for some serious JOY...
Watch on Youtube
God wants to replant and restore us, watching with delight as each one of is nourished in the good soil of His love. He wants to restore our joy so that we become like little girls in our hearts once more — playing and having fun again because we rest in Him and trust Him fully.
In this sacred place we learn to be still and know Him through the ancient disciplines of our faith so he can restore our souls.
Join a virtual retreat today and grab my free guide below so you can move beyond the exhausting cycle of endless self effort. Instead, experience a heart transformation and restored joy.
Jesus never meant it to be this way..
He didn’t die so we could walk through life like ghosts, not dead, but not really alive either. Jesus Christ lived and bled on the cross so we would know deep healing and restored joy.
I created Kindred Abbey to be a sanctuary for Christian women in need of restoration because I know the pain of a dark night of the soul.
Because meeting the desire of your heart isn't about doing, it's about being. Grab this free guide to learn six simple practices to find a daily rhythm of rest and genuine intimacy with God.
Steal this!
3 + 3 Commune and Rest Guide
Six simple practices to find a daily rhythm of rest and genuine intimacy with God.
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